Adult Peace Rebuilding Projects

Most of the adults that PCFR serves are first generation survivors of genocide and violence. Many have never healed from the years of trauma they’ve suffered. While we believe intervention during childhood and teenage years is the most effective, we also believe that no adult is a lost cause. We invest in the whole person to provide practical and emotional support and guidance that resettled refugees need to lead healthy, happy, and successful lives here in the United States. Check out the main ways we engage adults at PCFR.
Economic Project
We help coach immigrants and refugees who are looking to start their own business or organziation. Our goal is to empower entreprenuers to pursue their passions....while making a living for themselves and their families.
Click on the arrow below to visit our Economic Project page and to see some of the organizations we have helped launch!
Financial Literacy
We provide individual coaching to help adults successfully navigate the U.S. financial system.
We assist in areas such as basic banking and budgeting; credit and debt; lending; income planning, risk management, and taxes; money flow and asset creation; individual development account, home ownership preparation; social enterprise.
Visit our Financial Literacy page by clicking on the arrow below to learn more about each area.
English Learning
The most overwhelming obstacles for resettled refugees to overcome are culture shock and the language barrier. We assist our clients with English as a New Language (ENL) instruction in order to help them navigate society, communicate basic needs, and secure housing and employment.
We do this by connecting our clients to trusted ENL classes and resources in the community. Please visit our English Learning page by clicking the arrow below.
Job Training
We help adults locate job opportunities and assist with applications and interview techniques. In addition to job placement, we teach the importance of workplace values that Americans take for granted (i.e. punctuality, deadlines, regular attendance) to ensure job retention and success in the workplace. Coming from a rural, slow-paced culture and spending upwards of twenty years in refugee camps, fast-paced American life, understandably, does not come naturally.
Visit our Job Training page by clicking the arrow below.
Therapy Normalization
When an individual can become financially stable enough to overcome worries such as where their next meal is coming from, he/she can transcend survival mode. Once this homeostasis is achieved, one can begin to learn to cope with residual anger, trauma, and mental health issues. We encourage our clients to seek necessary therapy and counseling and talk openly about their trauma. We provide all of our clients with a list of trusted experts they can consult for spiritual, emotional, and mental healing.
Faith & Hope
We understand and believe in the power of Hope to heal and restore oneself, the community, and the world.
We strive to support those we work with on their healing journey through any healthy outlet possible. Our focus is always on the pathway best suited for the individual we serve. For many, faith is a space of familiarity, comfort, community, great strength, and hope.
Visit our Faith & Hope page by clicking on the arrow below to learn more.
Social Services
Many of the families and indivduals we serve need assistance navigating the vast network of social services in the United States. We offer guidance and assistance connecting to resources and build capacity of individuals and families to navigate the system in order to find what they need in areas of education, health and wellness, legal services, and jobs amongst other subjects.
Contact us by clicking on the arrow below for more information!